By Support | 15 March, 2021
A one time donation
Other amounts
Bank transfer details
Transfer via SWIFT
If you want to pay in EUR.
IBAN: GB87BARC20078280828122
Name: Almasis Ltd
Bank: Barclays Bank, UK
Pounds Sterling
From your account
If you are in Britain and want to pay from your bank:
Name: Almasis Ltd
Bank: Barclays Bank
Account No.: 80828122
Sort code: 20-07-82
Cheques or Cash
Please call
We prefer not to work with cheques or cash due to the handling costs.
If you have no other alternative, please contact us so that we can arrange the best solution.
Contact details are the bottom of the page.
Other currencies
In your currency
For other currencies or large transactions, please get in contact so that we can arrange the best transfer arrangements.
Our contact details are at the bottom of the page.
Via the founders
Payment via founder
Ian Williams
If you want to pay the founder directly until the service organisation has been formed, you can pay him via PayPal
Helping each other
Solving problems
If you have any problems or questions, please call us or email us at
Please note that the payment information on your bank statement might be for Almasis.
Getting answers
Nurturing Silicon Vales
Brand placement
¹ We are more than glad to receive any type of funding. The items above such as coffee, pizza, etc. serve as a symbolic act of financial support. All donations are collected together and the funds are used to pay for expenses such as for hosting, legal fees, wages as well as coffee and pizza.
² Due to changes in the value of currencies, the equivalent prices may not be accurate: They serve as a rough orientation of what the item costs.